Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 84041 REL 28: 2023-007-00 EXP ODFW EAST REGION SALMONID LIFE
Project Number:
ODFW East Region Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring
Contract Number:
84041 REL 28
Contract Title:
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  • 84041 REL 44: 2023-007-00 EXP ODFW EAST REGION SALMONID LIFE
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Contract Description:
The goal of this project is to investigate the critical habitat, abundance, migration patterns, survival, and life history strategies exhibited by and supporting spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead from distinct populations in the John Day River, Umatilla River, Grande Ronde River and Imnaha River subbasins. This project will provide information on abundance of naturally produced spring Chinook salmon and steelhead parr, estimates for egg-to-migrant survival for spring Chinook salmon and egg-to-migrant survival for steelhead, estimate the Viable Salmonid Population (VSP) Indicator smolts per spawner for four natural populations of spring Chinook salmon and Steelhead, and assess stream conditions in selected study streams. This study provides a means for long term monitoring of juvenile salmonid natural production  that is essential for assessing the success of restoration and enhancement efforts including hatchery supplementation and habitat improvement.  This research, monitoring, and evaluation project focuses on natural populations of  Middle Columbia and Snake River  steelhead, natural populations of Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook salmon, and natural populations of Middle Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon.

This project coordinates and collaborates with many projects, including Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) and their project 2009-004-00 Monitoring Recovery Trends in Key Spring Chinook Habitat Variables and Validation of Population Viability Indicators,  and Lower Snake River Compensation Plan - Oregon Evaluation project. This project collects genetic samples from juvenile Chinook salmon and provides them to NOAA Fisheries for the Columbia Basin-wide Relative Reproductive Success (RSS) study, project 1989-096-00. This project provides data for the Interior Columbia Technical Recovery Team (ICTRT) spring Chinook salmon life cycle model and OWEB IMW.


1.   Document the in-basin and out-migration patterns and estimate abundance of naturally produced spring Chinook salmon and steelhead juveniles in the Umatilla River, South Fork, Middle Fork, and Upper Mainstem John Day River, Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde, Minam, and Lostine rivers.   Associated tasks: operation of rotary screw traps, PIT tagging, data analysis.

2.   Determine overwinter mortality and the relative success of fall (early) migrant and spring (late) migrant life history strategies for spring Chinook salmon from tributary populations in Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde, and Lostine rivers, and the relative success of fall (early) migrant and spring (late) migrant life history strategies for spring Chinook salmon from the Minam River.   Associated tasks: operation of rotary screw traps, PIT tagging, data analysis.

3.   Estimate and compare smolt survival probabilities at main stem Columbia and Snake River dams for migrants from five local, natural populations of spring Chinook salmon in the Grande Ronde River and Imnaha River subbasins.  Associated tasks: capture of Chinook salmon parr, PIT tagging, data analysis.

4.   Estimate the Viable Salmonid Population (VSP) Indicator and recruits per spawner, for spring Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Umatilla River, North Fork John Day and Middle Fork John Day River, Catherine Creek, Upper Grande Ronde River, Lostine River, and Minam River populations. Associated tasks: operation of rotary screw traps, PIT tagging, data analysis.

5.   Document patterns of movement and estimate abundance of juvenile steelhead from tributary populations in Catherine Creek, the upper Grande Ronde, Lostine and the Minam rivers including migration timing, and duration.  Associated tasks: operation of rotary screw traps, PIT tagging, data analysis.

6.   Estimate and compare survival probabilities to main stem Columbia and Snake River dams for Spring/summer Chinook summer steelhead from four tributary populations: Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde, Lostine, and Minam rivers.  Associated tasks: operation of rotary screw traps, PIT tagging, data analysis.

7.   Describe aquatic habitat conditions, using water temperature and discharge, in Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde, Lostine, and Minam rivers.  Associated tasks: data collection, data analysis.

8.   Estimate density and distribution of steelhead parr and Chinook salmon parr in the John Day, Umatilla and the Wallowa/Lostine populations.  Associated tasks: steelhead and Chinook salmon parr surveys, data analysis.

9. Support PIT array O&M

10. Participate in regional coordination for LCM and run reconstruction meetings  
Account Type(s):
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Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Joshua Ashline Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-3862
Lillian Brannan Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife No Administrative Contact (503) 947-6175
Israel Duran Bonneville Power Administration No Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3967
Bonnie Greeninger Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (360) 601-5500
Alan Hansen Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife No Administrative Contact (503) 947-6134
Tracy Hauser Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-4296
Jeremy Henderson Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Yes Contract Manager (541) 575-1167
Kristen Jule Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-3588
Joseph Lemanski Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Yes Contract Manager (541) 962-3777
Jessica Power Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-4023
Stacy Remple Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Yes Contract Manager (425) 657-8209
Russell Scranton Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-4412
John Skidmore Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-5494
Natalie Sutter Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Yes Administrative Contact (503) 947-6188
Ian Tattam Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Yes Supervisor (541) 805-6482

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration A: 119. Umatilla Outmigration and Survival Project Administration 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Completed Annual Report B: 132. Annual RME Report - January 2023 - December 2023 04/01/2024 04/01/2024
Env Compliance Requirements Complete D: 165. Environmental compliance for monitoring work 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets E: 157. Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Research results, attendance of monthly meetings, coordination among groups F: 189. Coordinate with local and regional management and M&E groups 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
PIT tag 7,000 summer steelhead G: 158. PIT tag juvenile summer steelhead 06/30/2024 06/14/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata H: 162. Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead out-migrant data 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata I: 162. Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River steelhead MPG viability datasets 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata J: 162. Summary of Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data 03/15/2024 03/15/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets K: 157. Three Mile Falls Dam natural summer steelhead smolt trapping 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets L: 157. Umatilla River adult steelhead surveys and PIT-tag data collection 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
PTAGIS Management M: 159. Upload PIT Tagging data to PTAGIS 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Interrogation files N: 159. Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets O: 157. ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets P: 157. ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable Q: 158. PIT-Tagging & Marking Grande Ronde River Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable R: 158. PIT-Tagging & Marking Grande Ronde River Juvenile Summer Steelhead 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata S: 162. ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata T: 162. ODFW Survival & Relative Success of Juvenile Salmonids of the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Subbasins 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata U: 162. Egg to Migrant Survival Relative to the Stream Health & Life History Patterns of Chinook Salmon 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Data Sharing V: 161. Dissemination of Project Data and Results 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets W: 157. PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
PIT Tag Array Maintenance Plan X: 189. Future PIT tagging and Array monitoring consideration 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Life Cycle Modelling Y: 189. Participate on Life Cycle Model development 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata AA: 162. Analyze representative late summer Chinook parr distribution in the Wallowa River watershed. 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets AB: 157. Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets AC: 157. Monitor/Maintain PIT Tag Interrogation Arrays 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets AD: 157. Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Density Surveys 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets AE: 157. Use Seines to Collect Spring Chinook Smolts 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Juvenile Salmonid PIT Tagging AF: 158. PIT Tag Juvenile Chinook Salmon 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
PIT Tagging. AG: 158. PIT Tag Emigrating Steelhead Smolts at Rotary Screw Traps 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
PIT Tagging AH: 158. PIT Tag Juvenile Steelhead in Lower Mainstem John Day Population 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
PIT Tagging of Bass AI: 158. PIT Tag Smallmouth Bass 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata AJ: 162. Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata AK: 162. Estimate Steelhead Escapement (NOSA) in South Fork John Day River 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
An accessible, error-checked dataset AL: 159. Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Contribute to ongoing ATLAS meetings and updates AM: 161. ATLAS Data Stewardship and Presentation 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata AN: 162. Estimate abundance of juvenile steelhead and distribution of redds 08/01/2024 08/01/2024
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets AQ: 157. ODFW Birch Creek Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys 10/31/2024 10/31/2024

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
  • 3 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 159 Transfer/Consolidate Regionally Standardized Data
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 6 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 4 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 7 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 4 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 3 instances of WE 159 Transfer/Consolidate Regionally Standardized Data
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 6 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Umatilla Outmigration and Survival Project Administration
B 132 Annual RME Report - January 2023 - December 2023
C 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
D 165 Environmental compliance for monitoring work
E 157 Birch Creek juvenile natural summer steelhead out-migrant trapping 01/19/2024
F 189 Coordinate with local and regional management and M&E groups
G 158 PIT tag juvenile summer steelhead 01/19/2024
H 162 Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River natural summer steelhead out-migrant data
I 162 Statistical summary and analysis of Umatilla River steelhead MPG viability datasets
J 162 Summary of Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data
K 157 Three Mile Falls Dam natural summer steelhead smolt trapping 01/19/2024
L 157 Umatilla River adult steelhead surveys and PIT-tag data collection 01/19/2024
M 159 Upload PIT Tagging data to PTAGIS
N 159 Upload Three Mile Falls Dam interrogation data to PTAGIS
O 157 ODFW Seining Sampling and Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Summer 02/01/2024
P 157 ODFW Snorkel & Dip Net Sampling & Data Collection Activities for Chinook Salmon Parr in Winter 02/01/2024
Q 158 PIT-Tagging & Marking Grande Ronde River Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon 02/01/2024
R 158 PIT-Tagging & Marking Grande Ronde River Juvenile Summer Steelhead 02/01/2024
S 162 ODFW Abundance & Migration Assessment of Grande Ronde Juvenile Salmonids in Study Streams
T 162 ODFW Survival & Relative Success of Juvenile Salmonids of the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Subbasins
U 162 Egg to Migrant Survival Relative to the Stream Health & Life History Patterns of Chinook Salmon
V 161 Dissemination of Project Data and Results
W 157 PIT Tag Array Operation and Maintenance 02/01/2024
X 189 Future PIT tagging and Array monitoring consideration
Y 189 Participate on Life Cycle Model development
Z 157 ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys 02/01/2024
AA 162 Analyze representative late summer Chinook parr distribution in the Wallowa River watershed.
AB 157 Collect Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Outmigrant Abundance and SAR Data at Rotary Screw Traps 08/06/2024
AC 157 Monitor/Maintain PIT Tag Interrogation Arrays 08/06/2024
AD 157 Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Density Surveys 08/06/2024
AE 157 Use Seines to Collect Spring Chinook Smolts 08/06/2024
AF 158 PIT Tag Juvenile Chinook Salmon 08/06/2024
AG 158 PIT Tag Emigrating Steelhead Smolts at Rotary Screw Traps 08/06/2024
AH 158 PIT Tag Juvenile Steelhead in Lower Mainstem John Day Population 08/06/2024
AI 158 PIT Tag Smallmouth Bass 08/06/2024
AJ 162 Estimate Smolt Abundance, Productivity, Age, and SAR
AK 162 Estimate Steelhead Escapement (NOSA) in South Fork John Day River
AL 159 Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data to/from PTAGIS and NRIMP
AM 161 ATLAS Data Stewardship and Presentation
AN 162 Estimate abundance of juvenile steelhead and distribution of redds
AO 157 ODFW Wallowa/Lostine Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys
AP 157 Copied WE Created in CCR State that should be canceled
AQ 157 ODFW Birch Creek Steelhead & Chinook Salmon Parr Surveys 09/30/2024